Bankruptcy Lawyer in North Myrtle Beach

It’s a dirty word that no one wants to talk about, something that happens to other people. But in the real world things happen and times get tough. The government has provided a means of relief when it all gets out of hand. Gustafson Law Firm in North Myrtle Beach can assist you if you are facing the financial hardships you never thought possible. In need of a Bankruptcy Lawyer in North Myrtle Beach? We can help you through the entire process and protect yourself.

Chapter 7 To Discharge Debt And Chapter 11 To Restructure Debt

bankruptcy lawyerGustafson Law Firm offers debt relief services. We can show you how to use Chapter 7 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code to eliminate most kinds of consumer debt, but still keep your house and family car. If Chapter 7 isn’t possible, you will qualify for Chapter 13, which allows you to lump every type of debt (yes, even student loans) into a manageable restructured payment plan. You can save thousands of dollars in interest, penalties and principal on the amount you owe.

End Harassing Calls

When we help you file, creditors and bill collectors end all collections calls and legal actions against you, pending the outcome of your case. Image the freedom of knowing that you can answer your phone in the evening and open your mailbox every day knowing that you won’t have a threatening call or letter waiting for you.

Bankruptcy isn’t for everyone, and there are things you will need to know before filing. Start by getting your questions answered. Call attorney Richard Gustafson at (843)249-2252 or send us an email to schedule a free consultation. Nothing will improve about your debt situation until you take legal action.

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