Judge Rules Cops Can’t Make You Unlock Phone.
A California judge has ruled that American cops can’t force people to unlock a mobile phone with their face or finger. The ruling goes further to protect people’s private lives from government searches than any before and is being hailed as a potentially landmark decision. Previously, U.S. judges had ruled that police were allowed to […]
Judge locks up man for not giving cell phone password
A Florida man was placed behind bars for failing to unlock his phones following a traffic stop. Fox 13 News reported William Montanez was pulled over in June for improper yielding in Tampa. He wouldn’t allow cops to search his car, so a drug-sniffing dog was brought in. A small amount of marijuana was allegedly […]
Police Can’t Hold You to Wait for K9 to Arrive for Drug Dog Sniff of Your Car
You should know that you NEVER consent to a vehicle search by police. But you may have heard of police officers being able to “sniff” around your car with a drug dog. They then use that as probable cause to search the vehicle. Sometimes the officer who stops you might not have a K9 but […]
Don’t represent yourself in court, unless you’re this guy.
Let us warn you about traveling in small towns before the age of video cameras. Also traveling in large town in the age of video recording unless you, yourself have a video recording of your police encounter. Imagine stopping on the side of the road and then having police pull up behind you and start […]
Open up! It’s the police!
One day you’re minding your own business and get a loud knock at the door. “POLICE! Open up, we need to talk to you!” What do you do? Do you open the door? “OPEN UP or we’ll arrest you!” It’s the police – you see men in uniforms with badges. Or maybe just one person […]
Sometimes the laws aren’t bad but the cops misuse them
Sometimes cops just don’t like someone and that’s all there is to it. The little beach town passed to law to get money from movie crews that were making movies in their town. The preface to the law and the text of the law is explicit in what they are trying to do, yet when […]
Should Police be trained in Jujitsu?
Jiu jitsu is the cornerstone of Mixed Martial Arts (UFC) fighting. The techniques can choke people unconscious or break limbs. Many people (including Criminals) are learning these deadly techniques. Cops should be able to defend themselves, right? This fleeing man got out of his car, roughed up his pursuer and got back in to drive […]