Here’s Law Professor James Duane of Regent Law School explaining why you should not talk to the police.
Even if you’re completely innocent. Don’t Talk to the Police! (you can say, Hello” but do not discuss any criminal matter with the police. That’s what Lawyers are for.

The second part of the video is a police officer telling why you should not talk to police officers.

Never talk to police officers except to tel them you are calling (843)249-2252 to speak to your lawyer.

Top Ten Reasons (ok maybe 8) Why not to talk to the police:

  • There is no way it can help you.
  • If you are guilty – and even if you are not – you may admit your guilt with no benefit in return.
  • Even if you are innocent and deny your guilt and mostly tell the truth, you can get easily carried away and tell some little lie or make some little mistake that will hang you.
  • Even if you are innocent and only tell the truth, you will always give the police some information that can be used to help convict you.
  • Even if you are innocent and only tell the truth and do not tell police anything incriminating, your answers can be used to crucify you if the police don’t recall your testimony with 100% accuracy.
  • Even if you are innocent and only tell the truth and do not tell police anything incriminating and your statement is recorded, your answers can be used to crucify you if the police don’t recall the exact questions they asked.
  • Even if you are innocent and only tell the truth and do not tell police anything incriminating and your entire interview is recorded, your answers can still be used to crucify you if the police have any other evidence (even if it’s not mistaken or unreliable evidence) that anything you’ve ever said is false – Even if what you’ve said is actually true.